
Military Communication Works No 2 Joint Stock Company in Czernica (WZŁ No 2) has been effectively operating on the Polish arm market since 50 years. Both for present and former users of communication equipment used in Polish army and other paramilitary formations, trademark of WZŁ has been indentified with professinalism and efectiveness.

The company offers wide range of possibilities, including designing, production, renovation, modernization of equipment, providing engineering and conculting service. Military Communication Works can meet or exceed all customer specifications, needs and requirements. Particular offers are created individually taking into consideration policy, type of activity, quality demandings and budget of our client. Sistematically, thanks to constant cooperation with trade partners, scientific institutes and academic centres, we update our products.

WZŁ S.A. filfills all demandings and standards required from the companies participating in procedure of public orders, which has its confirmation in aquired certiifcates.